Best friends



Good for you.

I just smacked the head of my Hello Kitty alarm for the fifth time. It's the only day I could sleep till the afternoon, I don't know who set it, but the alarm kept disturbing me on my precious Sunday. I know who dared to touch that Kitty, the one who gifted me that girly thing. I was lazy as much as I appeared as a very hardworking girl.


I squirmed in my sleep, held my duvet on my ears and face, to not lose my sleep. But the kitty was determined to make me mad. It wasn't alive to be quiet after hearing my annoying growl.

I opened my single eye to get a glimpse of the kitty, why isn't she shutting her mouth?

I flickered my eyes to adjust to the sunlight, it wasn't she who was disturbing me, but my phone. I checked my phone to see who dared to disturb my precious sleep on a 'Sunday'.

Disaster No.1


I sighed and turned around to continue my sleep but no, the number one disaster in my life was oathed to wake me up.

I disconnected the call almost ten times, but yeah, who am I kidding here? I decided to take a small break from my sleep only to give wrath to that particular person.

"Hey, sweetie.." of course she knows she is disturbing me.

"It's Sunday.." I wasn't ready to take a break fully, so I kept my eyes closed and talked in my groggy voice.

"I know. but open the door please.."

"Go to hell.." I just ended the call hearing the most annoying person in my life.

But yeah. now the door of my dorm started shaking due to the uncountable number of knocks it was getting. I just covered my ears to avoid the noise.


I finally kept away my pride and opened the door.

"Rise and shine.."

My foot.

"Hmm.." I hummed, not wanting to fully awake, and returned to my precious bed.

"No no.. we are going out.." the intruder went into my dorm early in the morning, sadly my best friend,

Natalie Anderson,

Plopped down on my bed and spread her legs. I pushed her aside and made space for me to lie down again.

"In your dreams.."

"You know I can't bear your morning breath.. gosh.." she just waved her hand in front of her nose. I know what she is up to. So I kept quiet and shut my eyes. But the annoyance started shaking me to the core.

"Wakey wakey sweetie... We have to go somewhere.."

I kept quite beyond my tolerance level, but no, she was determined today.

"Uhh.. get off me.." I shouted in annoyance.

"Only after you wake up.." Natalie said very sweetly, piling up my irritation.

"It's Sunday for duck's sake.." I said irritated. Now my sleepiness was replaced with something else, something else that could smack her head instead of that Hello Kitty!

"I know. but I have to go somewhere and you are coming with me.." saying that Natalie left me and opened my closet, throwing a shirt and shorts toward me. I groaned irritated again.

"Now.. get up.. we have no time.." she said while pulling me from my bed. I stomped frustrated and looked at her.

Wait a second.

I narrowed my eyes seeing she was well dressed, I repeat, well dressed. Knowing the meaning of the look I was giving, she gave me a sheepish smile and pushed me towards the washroom along with the pair of dresses she took from my closet.

I sighed in defeat. Bye-bye, Sunday. let's meet again next week.

Oh.. I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Katherine Lockwood, a final-year Data Science student and the only child of the Lockwood couple.

I am that sassy girl, not that sassy-bitchy-queen bie you see on Netflix, but a sassy girl, non-bothered by anything other than my best friends and a few particular person, mostly dresses like a hacker we see in movies and less like a girl in those fancy series. People mostly hesitate to come near me knowing they have no idea in which mood I am currently in. And most importantly,

Madly.. completely in love with my laptop. Leo.

My best friend, Natalie Anderson, came into my life like a small cute kitten, now completely ruining my life with her tiger attitude. Half of her character was like exactly one of those sassy bitches, with an angelic face. Shortly,

A devil in disguise.

And the other half was a hybrid of Hermione and Monica.

She fell in love with antiques because of her grandfather, now trying to pursue her career in archaeology, in her final year of studies. And yes, we both go to the same university.

I don't know why she is researching other pieces since she looks like a classic herself.

She is hot as hell.


Now, don't think that I have a crush on her, no way.. because,

Firstly, I am straight as a ruler!

Second, She is my best friend, like my best friend, my soulmate, and I can take a bullet for her!

I came out in denim shorts and a shirt, a white shirt with blue stripes, or a blue shirt with thick white stripes.. whatever.

Natalie is standing in front of my full-length mirror and checking herself.

Something is buzzing.

"Uhh.. now come on.. put on some makeup.." she opened the drawer of my dressing table.

Being in the most reputed University in the country, we are blessed with a single room for each student with the necessities for our survival. So the room was not any less than our room in those luxury houses. But Natalie's home was close to our university, so she chose to live with her parents, her cousin Alex Brown also staying with them since he is also studying at our university.

I looked at my best friend with a look like 'seriously dude?"

"Okay.. some nudes.." she rolled her eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and adorned my face with sunscreen and nude lipstick. That's it. I am ready for the day!

I plopped down in her Mini Cooper's passenger seat, suddenly falling in love with that beauty. I was going to sleep again when she took the main road,

"Wait? Where are we going?"

I was accustomed to her sudden outings.. sometimes she took me to some restaurants that she saw in Instagram vlogs.. sometimes she took me to her home to have breakfast with her parents.. yeah.. that was my second home and they were equal parents for me too.

But she has some strange habits like taking me to some abandoned places to find something related to archaeology..huh.. and I wasn't ready for that today.. but..free breakfast is okay for me.

"We? We are going to..." Like always, she stopped in the middle and gave me that evil look.. gosh I badly wanted to punch that pretty face.. but I restrained myself.. and looked at her like an innocent child. Poor me!

"Going to.."

Uhh..this devil..

"Going to meet..."

Come on you bitch.. I am approaching my threshold.

"A guy.."

"WHAT?" I yelled in panic and she gave me that fake innocent smile.

"Shit Natalie.. you taking me to a guy like this.. no no.. no way. I told you to stop looking guys for me. I am happy with myself.." I blabbered in panic.

Gosh..my dress.. my morning face.. are my eyes even visible?

My reflexes were faster than a cheetah. I immediately checked the mirror.

Gosh. I look nude!!

"Woah.. Woah.. relax Katy. it's not for you.." she gave me a sheepish smile. I stopped my actions and looked at her confused.

"Wait!! Are you going to meet a guy?" Natalie nodded his head with a shy smile.

Now I get.. why she dolled up early in the morning.

"Then how dare you to drag me into this?" I asked her with gritted teeth and all the shyness vanished from her face in a second. Yeah. She knows me well.

"Not again you Anderson.. I told you a hundred times that don't drag me into your dating stuff and you dared to bring me again that too on my Sunday morning.."I started my wrath without taking a breath.

"Can you just hear me?" She tried to interfere with me.

"No. you hear me first.. stop the car.." I said like the final.

"Katy.. listen.." she tried to make me calm but I was furious after knowing that she tricked me again.

"I said stop the car. I swear, Anderson otherwise I will.." before I complete my sentence she parked the car sideways.

"Gosh.. you are so dramatic.." she said pulling the hand break.

"Seriously?? I am dramatic? Me?" I asked her irritated.

Well.. she says I am dramatic and I say she is dramatic.. but our dad says we both are dramatic. Maybe. I don't know!

"Just take a breath and listen to me once.." she said in a warning tone. And I know her well, so, I complied.

"So.. before utilizing your scientific energy for unwanted things, you have to know about two things.." she said turning to my side.

Okay. We both are dramatic.

"And those are?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"One.. it's not a date.."

"Two.. don't you remember the fitness trainer of Alex..?"

"Yeah.. in the city mall?"

"Exactly!! When I heard about him from Alex, I thought he must be some uncle in his late thirties or forties.. but two days before, I found out that the guy was just twenty-two, mastering physical education.. and.. suddenly I became too interested in him.." she said with a sheepish smile and I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"So?" I asked her to continue.

"And last night I got a call from him asking for an envelope in Alex's room, he told me that he would come to the home to collect it, but I suggested that we can meet outside. you know.. and his name is Joe.." Saying that she winked at me.

"And why did this John Cena guy reach you? Where is Alex?" I asked in confusion.

"That's the point.. my beloved cousin magically disappeared from this universe after leaving me a message that "Joe will contact you. please give him that brown envelope on my table" I don't know where he is.." she sighed.

"Uhh.. that kitty must have ducked someone in his car and slept.. gosh.." I said irritated. That was Alex by the way, he worked as a DJ in a club on weekends, and after his shift, he would get someone into his bed or he would end up in someone's bed.

"Probability is much higher!" Natalie said while starting the car.

"You got ready to meet this muscle man John Cena early in the morning and dragged me too. God.. your muscle kink Nate.. why did you tell him to meet outside.. what's wrong with your home?"

"Dad and mom went to meet granny and I didn't clean yesterday..it's a mess.."I shook my head in disbelief.

"By the way.. his name is Joe.." she corrected me with a sweet smile.

"Come on dude.. body builder starting with J.. then it's John Cena for the final.." I rolled my eyes.

If I said it's night, then it's night. No matter even if the sun is dancing on our crown. And my best friend knows that it's not good to argue with me. So she kept quiet.

"Again.. who the hell will take their best friend on their date?" I asked her irritated. I can't digest that fact again.

"It's not a date Katy. I told you. we are going to have a coffee.. that's it.."
She shrugged her shoulders.

"Coffee my foot.. don't forget that I know about your dark fantasies.. you never miss a chance to hit hot men, and hearing the word 'muscle' you jumped to the conclusion that he must be hot. You are insane Natalie.." I stated the facts knowing my best friend wouldn't budge an inch from her stupidity.

"Fine.. he sounds hot in the call. let us see darling.. if he is not that hot, you can take him you know.." she winked at me when she parked the car in front of the coffee shop.

Ohh, our usual spot.

"No need. I hate muscle men..they look like turkey on a Thanksgiving dish..." I made a gagging face.

"I know you like 'Jacks and Edward Cullens'.." she said giggling.

We got out of the car and looked around. I took my CK cap and secured it in my head.

It's too hot. I miss my bed.

"Still.. why did you have to bring me? I hate you.." I leaned on her car and watched her making herself presentable mirroring another car's window.

"You are acting exactly like you are going on a date.." I said looking at her head to toe.

"It's not a date for God's sake.."

"Yeah yeah.. I can see that. God..this is so embarrassing.." I mumbled under my breath.

"Relax. I told him that I would bring my best friend.." Nate said to me through the mirror.

"He said okay?" I was surprised.

"Of course.."

"You know what.. marry that John Cena guy already.. like who will let his date bring their friends on their first date.." I said in a done tone.

"I am telling you for the nth time. it's not.a.date.. and his name is Joe.." Natalie said irritated while going inside the cafe. I sighed and followed her.. my stomach began to growl for some attention.


"He is not here yet.. he just messaged me the table number.. thank God. am I looking presentable?" She asked me after checking her phone.

"Very much. you can present a seminar now.." I mocked her. She is the hottest girl I have ever seen in my life, her diamond eyes and fuller peachy lips will attract any repelling force in this universe, her golden hair adorns her fair skin, and her proportioned body curves will give enough pleasure to any man in the world just looking at her.. still, she worries about her look! Audacity!

"Haha.. very funny.. now sit.. you are not helping me.." Natalie said while putting her phone on the table. I can see that she was nervous as hell.. and it's a rare sight to see your sassy bitchy best friend like this.

Let me enjoy the show!

After five minutes a guy in full black attire entered the cafe and me and Nate gasped in unison.


He was like a hot devil, head to toe covered in black, hair black, his jacket and trousers matching black attire, and black piercings in his ears.

"If he is John Cena, please tell him that I am Natalie Anderson.." I whispered to my best friend, still looking at the guy. I can see my friend's eyes on me.


The guy looked around like he was searching for the table number and gave us a small smile with a nod.

"Fuck Katherine.. I wasn't ready for this.." Natalie mumbled under her breath and grabbed my hand under the table, I could feel her hand shivering.

I looked at her surprised and saw her gulping in nervousness. I smiled seeing the twinkle in her eyes... The way she cursed and called my full name only when she was nervous. And she never acted this way before!

Is it what is called love at first sight? Hell no.. she himself doesn't know how much love at first sight has occurred in her life.

I tried to calm my wandering mind to the future ahead.. they just met.

"Hey. I am Joe.." the guy came and slightly bowed to us.

Woah.. that's not compatible with the look! And yeah.. he sounds hot!

"He..hey. Natalie.." Nate also stood up and bowed.

Oh uh!

She looked at me like I was sleeping in our class when the principal was standing beside me.

"Oh.. hi.. Katherine.." I introduced myself standing up and understanding the silent message.

"Please sit guys.. I am not an uncle.." the John Cena guy said and he took the opposite seat. I can see that my best friend's body was stiffened due to the piling up of nervousness in her body.

Relax dude.

"I am sorry. I am late.." John Cena said and I shamelessly drooled on him.

"Oh no. We just came only.. no worries.." Natalie said looking at me and she saw that I was drooling over the man so she nudged me under the table. I sat straight, regaining my composure.

But.. where is the muscle though? The man covered his body with an oversized jacket!

"Sir.. your order please.." the waitress came with her flirty smile. I rolled my eyes seeing the same scenario for the hundredth time in my life. I was used to this because my best friend was a hottie.

And now, here are two hotties at a table with a nerdy girl, obviously she will try to flirt.

But to our amazement, John Cena gave her less attention and more to Natalie.


"Natalie?" He asked my best friend.

"I will have a coffee.." she blurted out and I looked at her, controlling my laughter.

Coffee and Natalie!? No way!!

She gave me a nervous smile knowing she screwed up.

"And you ma'am?" She asked me, still looking at John Cena.

"One Avocado shake please .." I also said with the least interest but I can see those diamond eyes on me.


"So.. did you bring that envelope?" John Cena asked with his honey-dripping eyes. I somehow managed to calm myself but I could feel that Natalie's leg was still shaking. I held her hand tightly under the table, silently saying I was there for her.

"Oh yeah.. here it is.." Nate passed the cover and the guy showed his smile, God!

They continued their conversation and I barely participated in it. When I felt like Natalie became comfortable, I excused myself into the washroom and she gave me a relaxed nod.

John Cena was an easygoing guy, and a very good listener also. I peeked through the washroom door to them and saw Nate and him talking and laughing. I felt happy seeing she got a gentleman. And she deserves better in everything.

I came after giving them much time to make a connection, and by then our orders were served to the table.

"Oh my. I forgot about my throat pain. Nate.. can we exchange please?" I asked oh so innocently pointing towards our drinks. She gave me her pretty smile while taking the milkshake and I saw the John Cena guy staring at her with hearty eyes.


He cleared his throat when we looked at him. Suddenly his phone started to ring.

"Oh.. excuse me. I have to take this.." he said and walked towards the lobby while Nate grabbed my hands.

"God Katy. I don't know what I will do without you.." she said with a shy smile.

"Hm hm.. someone having goosebumps.." I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing her. Her cheeks turned red In a second and I laughed seeing her.

"God Nate.. you are blushing.." I pinched her cheeks. She looks so happy and excited.

"He is so unreal.." she said with wide eyes.

"I agree with that.."

"What do you think? Will he like me?" Nate asked looking in his direction.

"I think so.. we will see.." I told her even though I knew the other guy would be whipped for my best friend. I didn't want to give her false hope.. life is unpredictable, right?

"Yeah..let's see.." we sat straight when the guy came back and sat opposite us.

"Um.. actually.. my best friend is also here.. so I invited him here to meet you guys. I hope it's okay for you.." he hesitated. I gave my best friend a suggestive look.

Just great! Made of each other!

"It's completely fine. " Natalie said with a shy smile.

"I think we will make a good team.." John Cena said looking at us and I gave him an amused face.

So.. he is looking forward to it!

"Yeah. I hope so too.." Natalie said with her pretty smile.

God. How can someone not fall for her? She is ethereal. Her golden hair made her look like a sculpture made of gold. My bestie!

When we were having our coffee and milkshakes, a guy came inside and he immediately grabbed my attention even though I couldn't see his face.

He looks like he is directly coming from the gym or something. His extra fit t-shirt just slayed on his lean body, his silky hair was disheveled.

Holy shit!!

I choked on my coffee and started coughing harder when the guy turned towards us.

I wasn't signed up for a second heart attack on the same day.

First, this is John Cena.

And now.. this guy in brick burnt color tees, he burnt my entire sanity.

"God. your coffee is not going anywhere.. have it slowly.." Natalie rubbed my back and I looked at her with a done face.

Okay. The pretty-shy girl was long gone and the sassy-bitchy was back again.

"Nick!!" John Cena called the exact guy and he waved his hand to him.

Just great!

"Why is this John Cena calling that Jack here?" I whispered to my best friend while wiping my face. The only cover on my face was removed by now, that sunscreen and those damn nudes!

Natalie gave me an annoyed look.

"What is your obsession with John Cena? He is Joe for fucks sake and that is Nickolas, his best friend.." Natalie also whispered back.

I am done for today!

"Guys.. this is Nickolas.. my best friend.. and this is Natalie and she is his best friend.. Katherine.." the gentleman among us introduced each other.



"Hello.. have a seat please.." Natalie said politely to the guy and he nodded.. his silky hair bounced when he nodded.

Why is it so hot here?

Sitting among three hotties was not as interesting as we thought. it's like someone fired on your butt but you shouldn't get up from your seat!! I couldn't sit properly, I kept shifting in my seat and Nate gave me a confused look. I just batted my eyelashes in nervousness. I was always like that. I was very anxious to meet new people and Natalie was always the confident one.

The Nickolas guy also joined in the conversation and honestly, I didn't hear a single word. My inner consciousness kept wandering on that handsome face in front of me, making John Cena fade. He has blue eyes, his jawline was sharper like a sword. And his lips flawlessly moved when he talked. He is talking non-stop.

"Katy?" I flinched when Natalie called me.

"Huh?" I looked at them and saw they were looking at me with concerned eyes.

"He asked you something?" Natalie said more like a question.

"Sorry. I.. I zoned out.. what was that again?"

God.. it's embarrassing!

"No.. we were asking you about your studies.." John Cena guy said.

"Oh. I.. wanna be a data scientist.. yeah.. one more year I guess. " I said hardly controlling not to stammer.

"God, then you must be some freaking-genius-techy-girl right.." Nickolas asked giggling.

Oh God! He IS talkative!

I just smiled and looked away, not to be drawn in those blue eyes. His eyes were sharp but he looked cute altogether. And I don't know if that was a compliment or not.

"Trust me.. she is exactly the one.." Natalie said and gave me a suggestive look.

Oops..she caught me!

"Sorry guys. I have to go to the gym. it's Sunday and I have full day duty.. " Joe said looking at his wristwatch.

"It's ok.. no worries.."

"It's nice to meet you two... I think we should see more.." he stood up from his seat along with his best friend, said looking at Natalie.

Oh yeah!! We should!!

Nate blushed again and nodded in return.

"Sure.." I can see that she is struggling for words.

"You got her number right.. you can call her whenever you want. I guess Nate won't mind talking to you.." I brilliantly helped my best friend, she gave me her wide-eyed look, and John Cena, oops, Joe smiled shyly.

Woahh.. seriously guys! And I really said it?

I felt amused seeing these two smiling at each other shyly. When I looked at Nickolas, I saw that he was also eyeing the other two with a smirk like mine.

"I will wait for you in the car.." I grabbed the key and left them without turning back. I heard Nickolas also saying the same giving the couple some privacy.

After all, we were two best friends dragged into a date by two best friends!


The first chapter is out.

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A person who is stuck between dream and reality🕳️ In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friends🪐