

Unlike everyone else, I love Mondays. Especially morning. I wake up early every day except Sunday and go for a run for one hour. Running through the big shady trees beside the footpath gives me a refreshing feel and makes me feel alive. The chirping of the birds is the best music in the world. The overflowing sweat drops will take away all the negativity from my mind.

I went for the run after sending a message to my dad, a habit for years now.

Good morning Dad :)

I wished a good morning to the old couple I see every day at the junction. They seem like they are in their seventies, and will walk hand in hand daily in the nearby park. And they will return home at the time I come back to the dorm. Even though I have seen them for more than two years now, I never talked to them other than 'good morning'. They seem so much in love. And I always wondered what their story would be. Still, I never asked.

I came back and took a cold shower. You may think that I am a freak or something to take a cold shower early in the morning. But trust me it makes your body well and toned.


Hitting that cold droplet on my bare skin feels euphoric. The first touch makes me shiver in my knees but I will adapt to the coldness in the next second.

I fanned my hair dryer around my head after the shower and changed into comfortable clothes, jeans, and a shirt, as usual. I don't wanna dress up like a diva and get everyone's wide eyes for any reason.

This is me.

Like the poster on my wall said, My WiFi, My Rules, My Life. I don't give a duck about anyone.

After having a beef quesadilla and scrambled egg, I left for the classes with my Leo.

Nate and I have no common classes since we selected our interests from completely different areas. But me and Alex have a common paper, statistics. It's only on Tuesday and Friday. That will be the only class in a week that I would sit with a friend in my whole university life. Like I said before these two are the only friends in my life, yet.

It's not like I wouldn't talk to anyone else. But either I or the other person is not comfortable talking with me. I can't initiate a conversation with anyone other than my friends, my dad, and Nate's and Alex's parents.

Till university, we three were together in our school. We sat together from the lower classes. The sudden loneliness in university made a deep sense of ennui in me in the early days. But I quickly adapted to the new environment and became more comfortable and it helped me be more concentrated on my studies. But still, I miss being with them from morning to evening.

Even though I wasn't a troublemaker in classes in school, sitting in between Nate and Alex made me an eye catchy for teachers. But, here, sitting in the front row with my big round glasses made me the teacher's favorite and pet. But, definitely not for my statistics professor. You know why ,I guess.

"Hey Potter" Alex flickered on my head from behind when I was walking towards my class.

"Nate?" I rubbed my head annoyed and asked for my other friend since she was not in my sight.

"Uhh.. speaking of her.." Alex circled his arm around my shoulder and started walking avoiding my protest and the hungry eyes of other students.

"She has been on her phone since yesterday," he said with a knowing smile.

"Really?" I was surprised. That was unexpected.

"Yep. And.." he stopped when he saw a 'chic' in a nearby class. I followed his sight and when I saw what he was looking at, I smacked his head.

"Okay! That was too hot! Um.. where were we?" He continued walking.


"Just leave me alone," I said irritated. I don't know why but I can't tolerate his playboy behaviour sometimes.

"You are seriously jealous, Potter! Are you sure you didn't fall for my charm?" He asked dramatically.

"I would die then" I scoffed back.

"Ouch. That hurts!" He grinned like a fool. I swear he loves to irritate me.

"Whatever" I opened my locker and kept my bag inside after taking my Leo and books.

"So, I was saying that my mission has positive progress." He said proudly.

"Glad to hear, but where is our lover girl?" I asked curiously. My best friend has been missing for the last five minutes, Alex is here but she is not, that's very rare.

"Today she came to the gym with me"

"What?!" I almost shouted after hearing the news.

"Tell me you are joking Brown" but reading his face I knew that he was telling the truth!

"You can't believe it, right? Then think about me when I saw her standing beside my car with a dowel bag, waiting for me, that too early in the morning!" He said air quoted.

Saying I was shocked must be an understatement. I couldn't believe the fact that Natalie Anderson took this much effort for a guy she met yesterday.


"But, she doesn't know that working out in a gym is not as simple as she thought. She can't walk properly now " he laughed loudly saying that.


"Gosh. Potter. If you were there, you would die of laughter. She tried to impress Joe by being smart on the first day" he continued laughing.

"Eww. That was stupid. I didn't know that my best friend was an idiot" I said with pure shock. Natalie never acted like this, it was always the guys, who tried to woo her before.

What happened to her?

"How dare you to leave me alone?"

Me and Alex turned around to see an angry Natalie with her backpack, her hands on hips, face devoid of pain. Even though she was looking super angry at the time, I felt really funny seeing her.

Just think about how she is doing weightlifting to impress Joe!


Didn't she know that he was already whipped for her? She doesn't have to make any effort.

"You could have waited for me," Natalie said with a pout on her lips.

"Who told you to lift a mountain on the first day itself?" Alex chuckled saying.

"Whatever! Move" She shoved him aside from her locker and put her stuff inside, murmuring curses. I made a poker face to control my laughter. I am finished if I laugh now.

"Hey, man." Jeremy, one of Alex's bandmates gave him a fistbump when he approached us.


"Hey Katy" he was one of a few people in the university to whom I wasn't invisible.

"Hey Jeremy" I gave him my best smile. He was so handsome with his tan skin and blonde hair. And he has a clear interest in Natalie, but she doesn't.

She says they look like twins!

"Hey Nate" his feelings were visible in his special tone to Natalie.

"Hey Jeremy" she greeted him with less enthusiasm, not giving him any hope.

"We got a submission today" he showed his paper to Alex.

"Yeah. I got it, man. I am coming" Alex said while opening his locker.

This was our morning routine. Meeting at the locker in the morning and then having lunch together at the cafeteria.

"I will see you at the cafeteria" I turned around to go to my class. But,

"Shit.shit.shit!" I turned back in panic. There was someone I didn't want to see nowadays.

Alex and Nate gave me a confused look, and soon Alex's look turned into a mischievous one. I glared at him knowing what he must be thinking right now.

"See you at lunch Katy" Alex said almost like shouting, like he wanted to be heard by someone.



Just great!

I turned around slowly only to be engulfed by a suffocating hug, the familiar scent of vanilla penetrated through my nasal cavity. I sighed and patted the one's back slowly.

"I missed you so much" the one on my shoulders, Ariana Gilbert, whined in her baby voice. I saw Alex and Nate covering their mouths to not laugh loudly.

"Hey Ariana" I gave her a small smile when she pulled apart from my body.

She was so clingy!

In my shortest life, I was the savior of a few people. Sometimes I really regret my decisions. One of them was Natalie, she became my best friend later. And the other one was Ariana.

Ariana was the cutest twenty-year-old girl I have ever seen in my life. She has wide Bambi eyes, cute chubby cheeks, and a pretty smile. Her antics weren't different from any teen girl, hard to believe that she was a final year business student.

When we were in our first year of university, I went to the business department to look for Alex. I had to enter the girl's washroom unexpectedly, my periods came earlier that day. But the scene inside shook me to the core for a moment before taking any action. When I came back to my senses, I immediately took the bucket from the first cabin and hit the tall guy's back, who was trying to kiss a small girl.

Such a creep.

He immediately fell down to the floor from the unexpected attack and the girl was on the verge of a panic attack. I grabbed her hand after taking his ID card, which was hanging in his pocket. I walked with that girl out of the washroom, hugged her and patted her back to make her breathing normal.

Alex saw me outside and came to me, I told him everything and handed over the ID card, still comforting the girl. She was hugging me like I was her life. She was terrified by the incident. It was too much for a fresher in a big university.

Alex took care of the situation. The guy was going to graduate so he came and apologized to the girl, who was Ariana, and I became kinda famous in the university for hitting a super senior with a toilet bucket.


And this was a reason for students being distant from me.

From that day, Ariana looked at me like I was her goddess. At first, I found her super cute and have been friends with her. But later, I became her obsession. One day she said that she had been questioning her own sexuality after meeting me, she thinks she turned out to be a lesbian only for me. And I was dumbfounded by her confession.

From which part she thinks that I have romantic feelings for her? Never!

I have been avoiding her since that day. She was a good girl, but, there was also something wrong with her. But, sometimes, I felt bad for her.
Alex and Nate used the whole situation whenever they wanted to make fun of me.

But I am not a homo for duck's sake. I consider her as a sister, nothing else.

"How was your weekend?" She asked excitedly.

Same scenario!

"Good," I said with a tight smile.

Gosh. Why am I feeling like a boyfriend who lost their interest in someone?

"Cool. I was with my parents. Here, are some chocolates for you." She took a big box from her backpack and gave me. I sighed defeated. Whenever she went home, she would bring something for me.

"Ariana, you know you don't have to do this," I said pushing back the box to her. Her eyes saddened for a second but widened again.

"You are my friend. That's why I am giving you this. We are okay now." She tried to convince me. That was her other excuse after I started avoiding her. She told me that she would see me as a friend but her actions speak a lot. And I couldn't avoid her completely since I have a soft spot for her.

"It's not good to return a gift Potter" Alex took the chance and took the box from her. I gave him a deathly glare but went vail.

"Thanks. I have some work to do" I excused myself and walked towards my class.

So much drama!

"Here" Nate called me from a corner table when I entered the cafeteria at lunchtime. I approached the table carefully so as not to spill my juice and food on passing students. I placed the tray on the table with more than enough pressure and got some weird looks from my surroundings. I ignored them like always and glared at my best friend. She gave me her best innocent face.

"I know you don't have to explain anything, but," I stopped in the middle and saw Nate looking at me in anticipation.

"Care to explain the crazy things you are doing in these last days?"

"Especially, after hearing Alex's trainer is a twenty-two-year-old muscle guy!" I clarified myself. She gave me a sheepish smile and I sat opposite her.

"Kate, I know I am doing crazy but"

"Glad to know that you know," I said tapping on her phone furiously. My action made her phone move from the perfect alignment slightly and she immediately placed it back!


"Seriously Nate? You barely know that guy. You just saw him yesterday and you went to the gym today to meet him? Who are you? What did you do to my best friend?" I asked in disbelief. Natalie released a heavy sigh.

I was like that when I got worried. I will barely give the other one a chance to speak. I will keep talking and let out my inner worries.

"Don't you think you are hurrying? You should wait for some days. I am afraid that you may get hurt." I was worried and moved her phone again and she placed it back again.

"Katy, first, you have to calm down. Okay. Second, stop touching my phone" The last part she said was a little bit loud. I rolled my eyes, completely ignoring her request.

"You know that I was already planning to join a gym?" She asked me and I nodded. Yes. She told me a few days before that she seriously gained some weight and she wanted to gain her shape back. I nodded yes.

"And last night, I couldn't sleep Katy. Trust me. I don't know what's happening to me. But I seriously couldn't sleep. I was thinking about him the whole night. You know that I was never like this?" I nodded a little shocked.

"First I thought we could follow him for a few days and get to know him.."

"Wait. We? As we?" I asked pointing to both of us and she agreed.

"What the?" I jumped from my seat almost shouting, but composed myself and sat back.

"What the duck are you thinking Anderson? Do you really expect me to accompany you to stalk a guy?" I felt furious.

"What's the problem?" She was clueless.

"Nothing. There is no problem in stalking a person!" I said sarcastically.

"It's not stalking okay?"

"Yeah. Like it wasn't a date yesterday" I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, I am not gonna stalk him. I directly joined a gym and was going to see him every day." She said proudly. I processed the information. So it's really gonna happen.

Natalie joined a gym to see Joe!

"He was so cool at the gym. He tied his hair in a man bun. And he was very polite to every customer. First I was assigned to another trainer, but when my time came, he was there to train me." She said dreamily and unknowingly, I also imagined that hottie in a man bun.

Okay. That's enough!

"But when he went to attend to someone, I lifted a weight out of curiosity. Gosh Katy. I thought I was dead. But guess what, he came like an angel and helped me. He also helped me to sit" Nate said with a shy smile. Seeing her excited eyes, my worries vanished.

I feel like a cherry blossom.

"Fine. But, don't rush things, Nate. You know what I mean." I held her hand.

"Yeah, I know. And don't worry. He is a nice guy I guess. Otherwise, Alex will warn me" Nate assured me. I recalled what Alex told me about them.

They will rewrite the couple standards!

I hope so.

"And please, don't overdo on yourself. You are gorgeous already" I said with a relaxed smile.

I would be the happiest one if Joe was the one for Nate. Her happiness is all that matters to me!


Chapter 3!

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A person who is stuck between dream and reality🕳️ In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friends🪐