

I took slow steps along my way to my dorm, savoring the strawberry scoop from Baskin Robbins. I don't normally prefer strawberry flavor, but once Nate insisted on trying BR's strawberry flavor, I instantly fell in love with that. During a summer day like this, an ice cream will be the best walking companion for you, trust me.

Today is Wednesday, I don't have classes in the afternoon on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but Nate and Alex have. So I will return to my dorm after my sessions unless I don't have to make some references from the library or any dramas occurred in the university.


I enjoyed my last spoon with a delightful smile. It cooled down my body as well as my mind. I already ordered my grilled cheeseburger for lunch. So all I have to do is go to my room, take a shower, eat my burger, and do things that make me happy.

Uhh.. my peaceful life.

I took my phone out of my pocket when it started ringing.

"Hi Katy.." a girl from some other department, who was coming down the stairs greeted me. I smiled at her before attending the call. At least I am not invisible to her.


"Hey, sweetie.Whatsup?"

"Just reached my room.." I said while unlocking my room. Dad knows that I only have classes till noon on Wednesdays. So he called me for a catch-up. It's very... Usual.

"Hope the sun really loved my girl this time," he said chuckling.

"Yep. But your bad, my strawberry scoop fought with your sun" I retorted back. I put my shoes on the wooden rack.

"Uh oh! That's unfair "

"Do you really want me to be burned by your sun?" I heard him laughing at the other.

"That must be the last thing I want, you know "

"You better be," I said while plopping down in my bed.

"Yep. Again, what about your lunch? You want me to come and go for lunch somewhere?" He asked. Even though he is busy in his office, he always asks. And if I said yes, I know he will come. But I never said.

My dad.

"No Dad. I already ordered my lunch. Did you have?" I asked with a smile even though he couldn't see me.

"Um.. no. I should go now."

"You better. Please take care of yourself. I want my dad to be strong and handsome, always" I know that he must be smiling now. He loves to hear that I care for him.

"Yes, my Princess. I will."

"Good boy"

"I really miss you.." he said softly. And I can feel that longing in his voice.

"Me too Dad." My eyes already started to glitter. I really miss him!

"I know you must have plans, but, can you come home this weekend? We arranged a birthday party for Chris." His tone was unsure. And I know the reason. The same reason I don't want to go home, not my home anymore.

"Dad.. I.." I don't wanna go. But I don't know how to refuse my Dad.

"It's ok sweetie. No pressure. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you so much. I will come to you some other day, soon." He understood my silence, and I was really grateful for that.

I shouldn't be there. That's better for everyone.

"Thanks, Dad. I love you."

"Love you too sweetie. Take care, hmm" he hung up saying that. I sighed heavily and stared at the ceiling. I shouldn't think about my life unless I wanted to spend my whole day under my duvet.

Thankfully, my phone rang again, this time an unknown number.


"Hello ma'am, your cheeseburger is ready to deliver. I am sorry, but you forgot to add your room number. I have been calling you for five minutes, but you were engaged " the delivery boy said politely and I jumped from my bed.

Shit! I forgot, again!

"I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. It's number 3" I said setting my messy hair.

"It's ok ma'am. At your door in a minute" Woah, what's with the delivery boy, seems like he is having a nice day.

I opened the door when I heard someone knocking.

Wooh, cheeseburger.


The delivery boy called me surprised. And I looked at the masked guy in confusion.

Who is this?

Understanding my confusion, he pulled down his mask revealing his face.

Holy moly.

"Jack?" I blurted out in shock.

He was the least-expected delivery boy in my entire life!

We looked at each other in shock for some time. He was also shocked to see me, I can see that in his face.

"Um..it's Joe" he corrected. I mentally facepalmed myself. Did I tell you guys that I am bad at remembering names?


"Yeah. Joe. I'm sorry"

"I wasn't expecting you." He said with a sheepish smile.

"Me neither," I said looking him up and down. He was wearing a T-shirt paired with a Jean, in which the logo of delivery services was printed, which must be their uniform.

He looked at my room as if expecting someone else to.

"Oh.. um.. Nate is not staying here.. she has classes in the afternoon." I said understanding his gesture.

"Oh. Um. I was just.. just.." he stuttered badly, like contemplating what to say and I furrowed my eyebrows seeing him.

"Looking at that poster" Finally, he pointed toward my room and I turned around to see that he was talking about my 'Harry Potter' poster on my wall.

What does he think I am? Five?

I acted like I 'really' believed what he said and shrugged.

"You are a Potter fan I see," he said chuckling.

"Huge," I said grinning, having a fan girl moment.

"Here is your order, by the way," he gave me the packet I was craving for.

"Thanks. So, you also work as a delivery boy?" I hesitated but asked out of my curiosity.

"Yeah. I am also free on every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. And the gym will only open in the evening. So, I thought to take advantage of my free time, I guess" he scratched his nape while talking.

I think the guy is a little anxious to talk, just like me.

But, why is he working this much? Isn't it a bit more? He also works at a gym, and, this too.

"I will take my leave now," he said closing his bag and I nodded in return.

"Thanks for the delivery"

"Don't forget to give me feedback. You will get a message" he pointed to my phone and I smiled before nodding.

I would give five stars to every delivery boy, I always do, also 'excellent service'.

The rest of the day went as I planned. I enjoyed my burger taking enough time after taking a quick shower.

"Where are you, Brown?" I checked my wristwatch for the nth time. Today is a Friday and I am in my statistics class, waiting for that idiot. If the professor came before him, then he better forget about the hour.

Disaster No.2.

My phone popped up a notification, a message from Alex.

"I am on my way, distract him"

I rolled my eyes. He must be busy flirting with someone. And I am not signing up for this one."Nope"I just gave him a short reply.

"I won't do my part in the project"

I sighed in defeat. We are assigned to do a project on statistics together. And no way I am doing it all myself.

What should I do to distract this Mr.Grumpy?

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door, and there he came.

"Good morning Prof. Kollin" I chirped with fake enthusiasm and he gave me an eye. I struggled to maintain my sweet smile even though my cheeks started hurting, I don't smile for this long usually, gosh, I don't smile at all.

"Morning Miss.Lockwood"

"I read your article yesterday" I blurted out suddenly and regretted my choice immediately. I really read his "Life with Statistics" and it's as boring as him. But his eyes widened in surprise and I knew I aimed at the core.

"Oh. Really?"

"Yes. It was... Amazing" his whole face lightened up ten times more and I moved a little bit left seeing Alex coming from the corridor. Prof. Kollin looked at me, expecting more.

"The way you chose statistics was really inspiring. And you are a genius with your interest. I wish I could also find my inner interest like you."

Gosh. This must be the longest sentence I have talked about in the last week.

I saw Alex sneaking through the door, but Prof.Kollin saw him after he entered the class.


I shut my eyes disappointed. All my tries went vail. Alex stopped and turned like a robot.

"Yes. Mr.Kollin?" He gave him an extra sweet smile and a pleading eye to me, and I swear I wanna punch his handsome face for dragging me into this.

"You think.."

"Ohh, he is the one who recommended the article to me," I said immediately before he started his interrogation.

"What article?" Alex asked me confused.

"Mr.Kollin's article, Life with statistics?" I gave him a suggestive look, silently warning him to play along.

"Uh..oh yeah.. the article.. that was amazing" he chuckled nervously and I released the breath I was holding till now.

"Oh. That's surprising. I wasn't expecting you to do such stuff, Mr.Brown" Prof was surprised. He was true tho.

"Of course I do stuff like that," Alex said proudly and I gave him a lazy look.

"Oh. It's time for the class Prof.Kollin" I said before Alex exaggerates things. I know him well. He will spoil our plans by overreacting. The professor told us to take our seats before starting the lectures.

"I met John yesterday" I whispered to Alex when the professor turned his attention to some students. Alex gave me a look to continue.

"He delivered my lunch" Alex nodded as it was a usual thing. So he knows.

"Why does he work a lot? I mean, he works at the gym also. Did Nate know about it?" I asked suspiciously.

"So, you didn't tell her?" I shook my head as no. He gave me an impressed look. Of course, it's not my place to say.

"Care to explain why he works.. a lot?"

"His family is going through some financial crisis. So he wants to support" I nodded understanding the situation.

"Then, how can he date someone, in between?" I asked seriously and Alex gave me an unimpressed look.

"You think too much, Potter."

"I just don't want Nate to be hurt at the end" I explained myself.

"She won't. Trust me"

I looked at him suspiciously."why are you so adamant about making them together, even though you know the fact that, that guy is having a tough time?" I narrowed my eyes. Alex sighed heavily.

"So, you don't remember him, really?" I shook my head. I don't know him before.

"Remember that day when you come to the club?" I nodded, but I don't remember him.

"He was there with me. I thought you two saw them."


"Joe and Nick"

"Wait. How do you know that I am talking about Joe? I said 'John' before, I guess"

"Bodybuilder, starting with J" Alex air quoted and I gave him an amazed look.

This guy knows me well, is he my soulmate or something? I really doubt that even though I don't believe in that stuff. Or, am I falling for.. him? For Alex Brown?


"And, they saw you and I didn't miss his eyes when he saw Nate. He never looked at a girl like that even though every girl and boy literally used to rub on him at the gym." He said proudly and I couldn't help with my impressed face.


"So, I thought about taking the lead. I know he fell for her at first sight. Nate will be his greatest supporter, I know that. And he needs someone like her now. He has to live for him too." he shrugged.

"I know you are proud of me" he added and I rolled my eyes. Of course I am, but no way I am admitting it.

"And he was looking for Nate in my dorm yesterday," I said with a smirk.

"Really?" Alex widened his eyes.

"When I said Nate is not staying here, he said he was looking at my Harry poster" I chuckled saying. He let out an amused laugh.

"He acts stupid sometimes, just like Nate," Alex said laughing.

"Now do you get why I want them to be together?" Alex winked at me. I nodded excitedly.

"Mr.Brown and Ms. Lockwood. Eyes on the board please" We heard Prof. Kollin warning us and we sat straight.


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A person who is stuck between dream and reality🕳️ In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friends🪐