

I just finished watching Ron's reaction when he saw Aragog's offspring slowly descending. Aragog is emerging. I could see the fear of Harry's and Ron's faces reflected in my own. No matter how many times I've seen this scene, I still feel afraid of spiders and Aragog.

It's Friday night, and I'm having a great time watching movies. Even though my dad suggested I go home, I decided against it. I feel it's better to stick to my usual weekend routine.

After returning from classes, I took a shower, had some snacks, and rewatched Harry Potter for the umpteenth time.

"Is that Hagrid?" Aragog asked with his deep voice.

I jumped in fear from my chair and turned around when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What the? It's me!" I saw Nate looking bewildered.

"Gosh, Nate, you scared me," I said, trying to calm my breathing.

"God, Katherine, and your Harry Potter obsession. How many times have you watched this movie? And why are you watching without locking your door? You wouldn't know if someone came in and left," Nate said, frustrated.

"Oh, I forgot to lock the door."

"Of course you did," she looked annoyed. Oh!

"And why are you here now?" I asked hesitantly. I'm sure that I forgot something from her look. But, what did I forget?

Gosh, she looks scary.

"Okay. Breath in." She is trying to calm herself. And I mentally got ready to hear her wrath.

"So, you forgot?" She asked calmly. And after thinking for a good minute, I nodded.

I don't remember. Is her birthday tomorrow? No. It's in October. And this is Feb. I patiently waited for her to continue.

"Today is Friday night," she said, like I will remember soon. But I didn't. I need her to clarify.

"Alex asked us to go to the new club. Remember?" She asked with an extra sweet smile.

Oh no!

I totally forgot about it.

"Now. Come. He is outside" she said dragging me.

"Wait. Nate. Let me change first" I said looking at my pajamas.

"Oh yeah" She left my hand and went to my closet and took jeans and a tank top with sequenced sleeves. I shook my head totally disagreeing with her. She ignored me and locked my door. She grabbed the hem of my pajama and pushed up.

"Wait. I will do it myself" I said taking the clothes and heading towards the washroom.

"You have five minutes Katherine Lockwood" I heard her shouting and slamming my door.

I changed hurriedly and did some touch-ups.

"Why me?" I whined when I plopped down in Alex's g-wagon. But both cousins just ignored my question and hummed with the music player.

Uhh. I hate clubs.

I internally groaned when the loud music hit my ears. I was happy with Aragog tho.

"This way" Alex led us inside. The club was a new one and a huge one. The dance floor was double-sized than where Alex worked as a DJ.

"Cool" Nate chirped excitedly seeing the mad people jumping up and down along with the beat. I really don't get what's the fun of partying. You can call me boring, I don't mind.

"Alex" we heard someone shouting his name and we looked in that direction, where there were so many cubicles with comfy couches. Some are filled with friends and gangs, who are laughing and drinking together. And some are with couples who are acquainted with some unholy deeds.

Uhh. Usual boring scenes.

I sighed in defeat and looked at Nate.

Wait. Where is she?

I looked around and saw she and Alex standing beside some guys, some familiar guys, to be precise, Joe and his best friend, I forgot his name. So that's why Nate looked so excited. Alex looked at me and gestured for me to go there.

Did I tell you that my best friends look so dashing in their party outfits? And now these guys, made the atmosphere even more hot.

"Hi Katherine" Joe waved his hand when I approached them. I nodded with a small smile.

"Hi. Katy is fine" I said to him. I am sure we are gonna see more in the future.

"Hi Katy" I looked at the other guy waving at me. I greeted him also with a small smile.

Gosh, I don't remember his name. All I remember is his blue eyes. Those looks... Magnificent.


"Let's take seats guys," Alex said and pushed me too with him to the couch while Nate sat beside Joe with a shy smile.

These two!

"You guys missed a blast. That DJ guy is amazing, just like you Alex" the blue eyes guy said excitedly and Alex chuckled.

"Sorry, we are late" Nate gave me a look and said. I looked here and there like I was deaf.

"It's fine. The night is too long." Joe said assuring.

"You guys sit. I will bring some drinks." Alex stood up from the couch making me insecure about sitting with these two even though Nate was there.

"I will come with you" I followed Alex ignoring Nate's questioning look.

"I can't believe you bribed Nate for clubbing using Joe," I said irritated to Alex when I followed him and he gave me a sheepish smile proving me right.

I knew it.

"I really want to go clubbing with my girls" Alex pinched my cheek when we reached the bar.

"You know I hate it here. Now Nate will be busy with him and I will be left alone" I complained like a child. I am sure I must have a pout on my lips.

"Are you that possessive friend from Netflix?" Alex asked with a fake gasp.

"No. I am that boring friend who hates clubs " I offended. He left a laugh hearing me.

"You will have fun. Trust me" Alex assured me. He ordered beer for everyone else and a cocktail for me. I don't want to drink today. My head will burst tomorrow.

"And what was his name?" I asked hurriedly when I remembered the guy.


"No. The other one"


And this was me and Alex thing. Even though he always made fun of me, he would help me whenever I needed him.

"Oh yeah. Nickolas, Nickolas, Nickolas" I chanted like by hearting an equation.

"Can you hold this?" He passed me the cocktail he ordered for me. It looks like a rainbow, eww.

"Thanks" he took the beer tray and we walked back.

"Adidas, Adidas, Adidas" I continued my chanting.

"Damn Lockwood, it's Nickolas," he said with wide eyes, bursting into laughter.

Wow. Great.

"Why are you laughing?" Nate asked him when we approached them. I pleaded with him with my eyes. I am already embarrassed.

"It's nothing," he said passing the beer to them. Nate looked at me for an answer and also shook my head.

Soon, the four of them started talking and I sat like a good listener. The most part was contributed by Alex, Nate, and Nickolas, while Joe spoke occasionally. And I rarely engaged, with a few words, and occasionally nodded.

"Hey, Alex" a girl is coming our way, squealing like she got her favorite toy.

"Hey," Alex tried to be matched with her enthusiasm, even though his face said he didn't remember her at all.

"Long time," she said hugging him, pressing her all ups and downs on him.


I saw Nate eyeing her with a disgusting look. High-five my dear.

"Yeah," Alex chuckled nervously. I pressed my lips not to laugh. It's funny to see the Playboy get trapped sometimes.

"Let's have some fun, what do you say?" The girl winked sexily, but for me, I felt nauseous.


"Um.. no. I. My girlfriend won't like it" he said scratching his nape. Her face dimmed immediately.

"You have a girlfriend?" She was confused, looking around. I saw the same confusion with Joe and Nick as well.

Ahem. My cue to interfere.

I stood up and wrapped my hands around his torso. Alex grabbed my shoulder protectively while Nate sat with that evil smirk.

The girl wearing the form-fitting fabric looked me up and down. I understood the message in her gaze.

The hot guy only got this nerd girl for him?

"I won't be pleased to see my boyfriend with someone else," I said to her with an extra sweet smile. She rolled her eyes like she wasn't disappointed. But I can see through her.

"That's fine. But I was indeed pleased by him once before" she said with a smirk.

Bitch. She thought that would bother me.

"Never mind," I said with a victorious smirk. She huffed, visibly annoyed, and stomped away from us. Alex and I turned around to see Joe and Nicholas looking at us perplexed. We both released the breath we were holding.

"So.. you two.." Nickolas couldn't complete his doubt.

"Relax, guys," Nate said to the group. "These two are just acting." Yes, it was always our drama. Whenever one of us got into trouble, we would be each other's savior. Since Nate is Alex's cousin, the savior role would always be mine.

"Woah" Joe raised his hands, surrendering before us.

"Thanks, my fake girlfriend" Alex gave me a fist bump and I accepted it, after rolling my eyes.

"Idiot" I murmured under my breath and sipped my cocktail.

Nicholas gazed at me with dreamy eyes and said, "But... that was... hot." I choked on my drink and began coughing uncontrollably.

Wait, what?

"Um, I mean, the performance." He simply gave me a thumbs-up. I chuckled nervously and carried on with my drink.

"Our Potter is phenomenal" Alex patted my head like I was a puppy. I nudged his biceps playfully.

"I won't step into your dirty business further, Brown. Just clean up yourself" I glared at him.

"Of course, baby" he flickered my nose, as always.

I expressed my irritation after chugging down my drink "duck off". But we all looked at Nickolas when he started laughing on his stomach. Joe also looked puzzled and gave us a nervous smile.

"You are really funny Katy"

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes a few times. From which part he thinks that I am funny? Everyone thinks about me as boring. This guy is crazy!

Nate gave a suggestive smirk and I rolled my eyes in return.

"Let's dance guys," Nate said with an evil smirk and I knew what was in her mind. So I excused myself as I will join them later after completing my cocktail. This time she rolled her eyes and went with the guys to the dance floor, leaving me alone.

After almost ten minutes, Nickolas came back and plopped down on the couch. He took his beer glass and scrolled through his phone. His blue eyes sparkled in that flashlight.


I looked away at the dance floor when he looked up from his screen.

"Um. You don't drink?" He asked,  looking at my cocktail glass and his beer.

"Occasionally.." I said with a tight smile. I don't know why I am being nervous around this guy. Maybe he talks too much or he is too bubbly.

"Isn't it partying with your friends the best occasion?" He asked again. Okay. This guy is not gonna take one-word answers.

"Um. I. I wanna meet my dad tomorrow, and my head will be partying tomorrow if I take alcohol today" I shrugged and saw him grinning, amused.

Something is wrong with this guy.

"It's not good to be sitting here alone. Come, let's dance" he finished his beer in one go and shrieked excitedly. I gave him a weird look, I don't mind if he feels bad or not.

"Um. No. Thanks" I said politely and looked away.

"Oh come on Katy, everyone is having fun." He extended his hand, expecting me to take that.

Gosh. Why is this guy so annoying? Why is he acting like we are best friends from childhood?

"No. I'm fine here"

"Wait? Is that why because you don't know how to dance?" He asked as he realized it now. I gave him a small smile.

Just leave me already, please. I feel suffocating. Where are my idiot friends? They left me here alone with this walkie-talkie.

"Don't worry, I will teach you. I'm mastering in dance" he looked so proud to say that he was a dancer. I looked at my empty glass. I stood up in a hurry and chugged down the brown liquid from one of the glasses in one go.

"Excuse me" I just wiped my lips and stormed towards the washroom to escape from his offer. I can't do that. I never did that. In my hurry, I didn't know how I bumped into a guy on the dance floor.

"Hey beautiful" he looked at 'me' but not into my face with a creepy smile.

"Sorry," I apologized in a hurry and started walking. But he grabbed my hand and made me face him.

"What's the hurry darling, let's have some fun" his alcoholic scent fanned my face and I turned around in disgust.

"Leave me, please" I whispered even though he couldn't hear me in that loud noise.

"Oh, come on" he pressed around my wrist. As I struggled in his hold I heard someone saying,

"Leave her,  you asshole"


"Alex," Before I could complete my words, Alex punched his face harder.

"You ." The guy retorted immediately but,

"How dare you touch her"  Alex punched him again and I covered my mouth in pure shock.

"Alex, stop" Nickolas stopped Alex from hitting him again but the guy's friends gathered around and punched Alex from the side.

"Alex" I screamed again and looked for Nate. But she was totally wasted and struggling in Joe's hold to stand properly.


Wait a second.

"Christian?" I called in shock seeing the one who punched Alex. Christian turned around in shock and shook his head to clear his vision. He was drunk!

"What the? You are turning eighteen tomorrow only Christian, what are you doing here?" I fumed in anger seeing the underage boy in the club. He gave me his cold look, as always.

"Fuck off, you bitch" he spitted so much hatred in his tone and walked away. Even though he said the last part with a low voice, I heard it clearly. I gulped the lump in my throat. It hurts, it always hurts.

"Potter" I heard Alex calling me from behind when I ran out of the club. I need some fresh air, urgently. I stopped at the beachside railing and took a deep breath.

Oh my God.

I know tears are rolling from my eyes but I can't move my hands to wipe them. I am just numb.

"You okay?"

Not again.

I abruptly wiped my tears and took a deep breath before turning to face him, Nickolas.

"Yeah. I am" I said with a tight smile. I don't want him to see my vulnerable state.

"Potter" I saw Alex running towards me, followed by Nate and Joe. Alex didn't wait for my response, he engulfed me in his embrace. I mirrored his action, more tight. I really need this now.

"You okay?" Joe asked with concern. I nodded with a small smile. I can see Nate's helpless face, looking at me with guilt for not being able to be with me now.

"Take me home please" I whispered to  Alex and he nodded.

"Um, Joe, can you drop Nate? you know, I.."

"Sure," Joe said immediately grasping the situation. Alex nodded and led me to the car. I wanted to take Nate with us, but I was numb. I wasn't in my right senses.

"Let's go," Alex said after securing my seat belt. I didn't say anything in return.

I just want to go home, asap.

What a great party that was!

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A person who is stuck between dream and reality🕳️ In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friends🪐