The beats of the blasting music made the floor tremble. We could feel the vibration through the floor. The music played by the DJ reminded me of someone. I didn't realize when my lips curled up.
Joe looked at me with a smirk. "What?" I wasn't aware that my thoughts were reflecting on my face.
"Thinking about someone, I guess" he shook his head. I chuckled and denied it even though he was true.
"You need to stop doing that Nick, you know that" Joe warned me, again. I sighed heavily. I know he would tell me like that. I am aware of the consequences. But,
I can't stop myself.
It is growing on me.
"Nick, you-
"Alex" I didn't want to spoil the mood so I immediately diverted his attention to Alex, who was looking around for us. Joe turned around.
Thank God.
"Alex" he called Alex and they looked at us. But, to my surprise, Alex wasn't alone. He had brought Nate and Katherine with him.
Nate was well-dressed and looked attractive as always. However, my attention was drawn to the other person, Katherine. She didn't seem interested in clubbing; her facial expression made that clear. It seemed like she had been forced to come here. That frown on her forehead speaks a lot.
Even in simple jeans and a tank top, she looks beautiful. I wonder if she is aware of her appearance. I think she is not.
She told Joe that we don't have to call her Katherine, just Katy. I like it. She sees us as her friends, I guess.
When Alex went to grab some drinks, she followed him. Is there something between them? The way they stick together says something. I noticed Nate looking at her with questioning eyes. I acted like I was busy with my phone, to give some privacy to Joe and Nate.
Katy was an introvert. I got that vibe from our first meeting. Maybe she's uncomfortable sitting with us.
I saw her and Alex talking at the bar. He pinched her cheek after saying something. It's clear that they are pretty close.
When they came back with drinks, I noticed Katy carrying a cocktail glass.
She doesn't drink?
When we engaged in a conversation, my best friend being an introvert, occasionally participated. But, he talks a lot to Nate, I noticed it.
But Katy, she rarely talked. I wonder if it was because of us or if she doesn't talk that much.
When we were busy in our world, one of the hookups of Alex in a form-fitted attire appeared. She publicly rubbed on him in front of us. I felt embarrassed since we were sitting with two girls, otherwise, I would have enjoyed the show.
When Alex said his girlfriend wouldn't like it, I was confused. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Then who?
Katy stood up from her seat and wrapped her hand around his torso, possessively. When she said that she didn't like her man with someone else, I swear something turned on in me. It was like she unleashed her inner monster.
Wow, that was really intense.
Seeing her with that girlfriend's attitude was something I really enjoyed. The seemingly serious girl transformed into a confident and cool girlfriend. It was quite a pleasant surprise!
When Nate mentioned that it was all part of their act, I blurted out something without even thinking. I could see the look of surprise on Katy's face as she choked on her drink.
All of us, except Katy, burned off some calories on the dance floor. When I remembered that I needed to book the tickets for tomorrow, I stepped away from the dance floor. Katy was still sitting alone on the couch. I felt her eyes on me, but when I looked at her, she was gazing at the dance floor.
I am overestimating things!
I realized that she didn't know how to dance, so I offered her help. However, she seemed angry for some reason. She quickly finished her beer and excused herself to go to the washroom. When I returned to the dance floor, Alex asked me where Katy was, and I explained everything to him. When he heard about the beer, he became concerned and headed to the washroom. Joe and I were confused, so we followed him.
Before I could do anything, Alex punched a guy who was teasing Katy. I somehow managed to calm Alex down, but then another guy punched Alex hard. To my surprise, Katy said something to the guy who punched Alex. It seemed like she knew him.
"Fuck off, you bitch."
I remember the events vividly. That was his response. I wanted to punch his handsome face so badly, but Katy looked hurt. Is he her ex or something? She was shocked and hurt, and before we could do anything, she ran out of the club. I followed her immediately.
When I found her, she was leaning on the railing, breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" I asked her. After a good minute, she turned around. I could tell she was trying to hide her vulnerability from me, but I was ready to help her. When Alex arrived, she immediately hugged him tightly.
Why didn't she hug me?
Why should she? We had just met. We didn't really know each other.
"Take me home, please," she whispered to Alex, almost like a plea. Her vulnerable voice tugged at my heart. Why did it hurt me?
Alex took her home while Joe and I escorted a wasted Nate to her home.
One thing I realized tonight: Katy isn't just the girl she portrays; she's much more, like a mystery! _______________________
"He called me bitch" Katy has been whispering the same thing throughout the ride. I feel more guilty seeing her vulnerable state. I took them to have some fun, but, fate played something else.
"I am a bitch"
I sighed heavily and took her hand in mine.
"Katy, it's fine. He was drunk," I said, trying to soothe her while rubbing my thumb over her knuckle.
"But..." Katy said with a shaky voice.
"He called me a bitch," she continued. "Why does he hate me so much?"
I know she is not talking to me. She is letting out her insecurities, things that were buried in her mind.
"What was my fault?"
"What was my fault, Brown?" This time she turned towards me and asked. I left her hand and patted her head.
"You know it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for things you can't do anything. It's all in the past Katy" I tried to comfort her. She again lost in her own world.
I parked the car in the garage and helped her to get out. "Thanks" she mumbled and I realized that she was fully drunk. She can't walk properly now. I held her protectively and walked towards the door.
Lily was not asleep, as usual. Whenever we went to a party, Lily would wait for us, because she was sure her daughter would come back on four legs. Lily's eyes widened when she saw us.
"Oh my God, Katy?" Her surprise was evident in her face upon seeing Katy in this state; it rarely happened.
"Alex, what happened?" She asked worried, we together made Katy sit on the couch.
"Long story" I sighed heavily.
"Where is Nate?" Lily looked back at the door and asked.
"Um, Nate, she is coming" Lily gave me a confused look.
"Lily, I'm sorry, but Katy wasn't in her right mind, and I had to take her home as soon as possible. Nate is also drunk, and I can't handle both of them together," I explained abruptly. To my relief, I heard the sound of a vehicle outside.
"Nate," I said to Lily, pointing out. She nodded with worried eyes.
"Don't worry, she is in safe hands" I assured her, and she gave me a relaxed small smile. Soon Joe and Nick came in with a wasted Nate.
"Oh God," Lily shook her head in defeat and helped them to bring her in.
"Mom" Nate whined when she sat on the couch. Yeah. The only time she calls Lily 'mom'!
"Oh yes. My daughter is fully wasted" Lily said dramatically and we men chuckled.
"Thanks, guys" I gave a brotherly hug to both of them.
"Yes. Thank you so much, gentlemen. I really appreciate your effort to bring a wasted person home" Lily said genuinely.
"Oh. It's fine." Joe said to us, I know he is nervous.
"Yeah. We are friends, Madam" Nick added to lessen the tension.
"Call me Lily, please," Lily said waving her hands in the air. Both Joe and Nick nodded with an amused smile. Yeah. Lily wasn't a typical mother who would act as a bitch if some guy brought her daughter in the middle of the night.
"Lily, this is Joe and Nick, my friends. And this is Nate's mom, Lily" I introduced them to each other since I was the bridge.
"Will you have something?" She asked again to surprise the guys more.
"No. We are good. We will leave now" Joe said glancing at Nate and Katy for once.
"Then join us for dinner another day, please," Lily was so sweet.
"Sure," Joe said to both of us.
"Let's call it a night then," Nick said and we all agreed with him.
"Drive safe guys" I shouted at them when they passed the door and Nick gave me a thumbs-up without looking back.
"They are really well-mannered guys," Lily said with a smile.
"I told you she is safe" Before I could exaggerate about them we heard someone sobbing, precisely, Katy.
"I will take Nate to bed and come. Just be with her till then" Lily said to me gesturing to Katy.
"No. Um. You take care of Nate, I will handle Katy"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Katy won't throw up like Nate, you know" I winked at Lily with a chuckle.
"Yeah. You are right"
I helped Katy to stand up and took her up the stairs, to my room.
"I will bring lemon juice" Lily shouted from the ground floor and I nodded.
It was always like this. Whenever Katy got drunk, she would cling to me. Her all inner traumas would come out and she would beg me to take her home. She would end up in my bed, cuddling with Nate. And I would end up on my couch, watching the two precious people in my life sleeping peacefully in my bed.
Lily handed me the lemon juice and I gave her two spoons, which will help lessen the headache in the morning. Her forehead frowned when she tasted the sour juice.
We met at the age of nine. Katy grew on me at a light speed, even, I didn't get the time to think when we became this much closer.
I heard her whisper, tears rolling down her pretty cheeks. I guided her to the bed, tucked her in with my duvet, brushed away the strands of hair covering her face, and wiped the wetness from her cheeks.
"Sleep tight, sweety" I couldn't stop myself from kissing her forehead.
When I went to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee, I saw Lily sipping her lemonade. Maybe she was also drinking while waiting for us.
"She slept?" I nodded and headed to grab a cup.
"You wanna talk about it?" Lily asked me, concerned. I sat across from her.
"I think Nick really pissed her, and she ended up drinking a glass of beer," I said, recalling what he had told me earlier.
"What has he done?" Lily asked eagerly. It's funny how we enjoy our little gossip session in the middle of the night around a kitchen table.
"He talks non-stop," I said and we both laughed hard. We both know how Katy becomes annoyed if someone talks to her a lot.
"Poor guy" Lily shook her head.
"That's not the one that triggered her," I said after a good minute and Lily looked at me confused. I explained everything that happened after, and Lily's face became gloomy.
"I wish she was my daughter," Lily said with teary eyes.
"She doesn't deserve these Alex, anything, it wasn't her fault, " Lily said with a trembling voice.
"You are a mother for her, Lily, trust me. You are not less than a mother to her" I tried to comfort her. I know she meant everything she said. She loves Katy a lot. We all do.
"I once talked to David about adopting her, Alex. I really wanted to do that. But David said that her Dad wouldn't agree with that. And, I know it's true. Richard loves her a lot." Lily said, sniffling. I was shocked to know that Lily went to that extent for Katy, and was happy too.
"I hope someday everything will be okay in her life," a heavy gasp escaped from my mouth.
"So, Valentine's day is coming. You are taking Katy this time, right, you know, to the ball?" Lily asked me curiously and I became confused.
"Why would I take Katy to the ball?
"You won't?" I can see a disappointment washed over Lily's face.
"Lily, I know you are rooting for us secretly. It's possible to think you like that since I am treating her differently " Lily gave me her full attention.
"But there is nothing between us. I me
"Why would I take Katy to the ball?"
"You won't?" I could see disappointment wash over Lily's face.
"Lily, I know you're secretly rooting for us. Maybe it seems that way because I'm treating her differently," I said, as Lily gave me her full attention.
"But there's nothing romantic between us. I mean, there is something between us, something invisible like a soulmate bond or something. I don't know if that's real or not, but there's definitely something between us. However, it's not romantic feelings," I admitted. Lily responded with a genuine smile.
"I'm glad there's something between you two," she said with a teasing smile.
"Let's see what the future holds for you two" She shrugged, still hoping for something.
"You can't make your dream to bring Katy into this home real through me, don't use me " I teased back, and Lily laughed louder.
"I am glad she is with us, somehow," that motherly warmth spread across the room.
"Yeah, she is precious " __________________________
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