When three friends came down, the cousins were having a face-time with Rayan. Shirley spoke with those twinkling eyes whenever she saw her boyfriend. Larra was lying down in Riley's lap, and the latter lazily massaged her head.
"Can I see that man who stole the pathetic heart of this pathologist?" Rayan asked excitedly. As always, Shirley giggled, hearing him, and Riley rolled her eyes. Larra saw the three friends chuckling over his silliness.
"That's our lame joker couple, by the way," Larra said to the trio, heading up and sitting properly.
"Is McLaren mocking me?" Rayan asked from the other end. Shirley turned the camera to Larra.
"Of course, I am." Larra shrugged and gestured for Winnie to sit beside her.
"Rayan. This is Winnie" Shirley introduced their new friend.
"Oh. Hi Winnie," Rayan said, setting his hair with his hands.
"See, he still does that," Larra said to her cousins in disbelief.
"What? I just wanted to be presentable" Rayan said, offended.
"My foot. Don't you dare to cheat on my cousin, you idiot? I will chop your dick " Larra warned him.
"How dare you badmouth me in front of my girlfriend, McLaren? She is the love of my life"
Winnie was long forgotten in between their silly fight.
"Don't mind them. They are best friends from childhood. Later, Larra introduced us to each other, and Shirley and Rayan fell in love," Riley explained to the three friends, who were looking at Larra with wide eyes.
"They will bicker whenever they see each other," Shirley said, chuckling.
"I don't wanna talk to you. Pass the phone," Rayan said, annoyed.
"As if I am dying to," Larra scoffed and tossed the phone to Shirley, who caught the gadget with a gasp. Shirley introduced Tyler and Ron to Rayan. The men got along very well and they talked for almost fifteen minutes.
Riley smiled, looking at them; Tyler was being very friendly with Rayan. But her eyes twitched when she saw that same expression on Larra's face, that she was admiring them, precisely Ron!
They had a lively dinner together, chattering and laughing, teasing and touching in between. The yacht was stopped somewhere in the sea to savor the moment.
Larra took a beer can and went up when everyone was busy talking. The wind was chilly but still comforting. She thought about their trip. They were meeting after two years this time. But it still felt like they were staying together till last week. Nothing changed among them. They still understand each other like their own palm.
Two more days, then they are back to their busy life. When will be their next trip? Don't know! Maybe it will take a long time. Shirley is gonna be married soon. What about she became pregnant? The thought of Shirley becoming a mother brings fear and joy to Larra. The thought was scary as well as divine. A cute combination of her best friend and cousin! Larra chuckled thinking about her silly thoughts.
"It's beautiful" Larra was looking up at the sky when she heard Riley. She turned around and saw her cousin standing just behind her. Larra nodded with a smile and looked up again. Riley sat down on the floor. She supported herself with one hand while sipping the drink with the other hand.
"So, Tyler?" Larra sat beside her.
"Yes. Tyler" Riley clinked her can with Larra, smiling delightfully.
"I am so happy that you found him" Larra whispered to her cousin. Riley smiled and nodded at her.
"Our gang is expanding," Larra said, chuckling.
"Yeah, even the universe is expanding. Then why not us?" Riley said with a knowing smile. She had so many things to ask Larra right now. But she decided not to. Maybe, she was overthinking. Larra seems in a good mood and Riley doesn't want to spoil it.
"You two are having a good time without me, I see"
They looked behind to see Shirley standing on the stairs. They chuckled and gestured for her to come up. Shirley sat in between them, making space for herself. The trio leaned on the floor, and Larra and Riley hugged Shirley from the side. The moment was peaceful. The night sky, sea, and them!
Later, they had a blast at night, with music and drinks. Shirley was wasted after a few drinks and danced like a mad lady. Larra didn't forget to capture the moment. She can blackmail her best friend later using the tape duh!
Riley was also enjoying the moment with Tyler but didn't fail to notice that Larra was acting like a drunk even though she only took a beer can. Maybe she must be tipsy, but not wasted yet. Riley was sure about that. Larra has a high alcohol tolerance level. But why is she acting like a wasted one?
Shirley wasn't in a state to think about her cousins. She danced with the beat, not minding her steps or expression, giving a free show for her companions. Winnie also joined her, they jumped with music in sync.
Larra and Ron never left each other's hands. They always cling to each other while dancing. Sometimes Larra circled his neck, and sometimes Ron wrapped his hands around her waist. However they stuck with each other for each song. And from time to time, Ron pecked Larra's hands. Is it really just by a fuck?
Riley didn't know if she would be happy or worried for her cousin. But the brightness in Larra's eyes gave her hope. Maybe it's time to move forward, for everyone.
After partying their ass off, they returned to the hotel by taxi. Anyone wasn't in the condition to drive. Larra and Riley were just tipsy but they didn't dare to take the wheels.
Ron and Tyler struggled to take steps toward their room. Riley supported a wasted Shirley, who was rhyming whatever came to her mind. Larra tried to open their door while Riley stood aside with Shirley.
"Jeez. Can't you even drink a can of beer?" Riley muttered irritated by Shirley's tactics.
"Good night, ladies," Tyler said while opening their door. Ron just waved his hands at them and entered inside.
"Good night Tyler.. Good night Noa-"
Riley stopped her whining and stood stunned hearing what Larra had just said to the men. She looked at Larra and saw that face.. her face was morphed with fear, the same fear Riley wished not to see again in that face. A big realization hit Larra just after the moment that name slipped from her mouth.
Riley shook her head unknowingly.
No, no, no.. no, Larra.. don't do it..
She knows that look on Larra's face. She knows what is coming next. It was something she worried about when she saw Larra and Ron together. And it came true. The one thing they didn't want!
Larra opened the door and entered the room. Riley somehow managed to follow her with Shirley. She practically threw Shirley on the bed to get Larra. But before she could say anything, Larra stormed towards the washroom and shut the door. Riley sighed, defeated, and sat on the edge of the bed.
Larra stood under the shower and opened the tap. Water flowed from her head to toe, accompanying the tears also. She covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes were terrified.
What have you done Larra?
A thousand images from the past flashed in front of her eyes. She groaned in pain and shut her eyes tightly. She doesn't want to think about it; she doesn't want to remember it.. anything.
No.. no..
Larra slid down in the shower cubicle to sit down, sobbed under the running water. It was hurting, her heart was aching too much. She clenched her chest in pain while sobbing hard.
It can't happen.. not again..
When Ron's face flashed in her mind, she rubbed her tears with determination. She can fix it. She will do it. By convincing herself to do what her mind says, she dried herself with the towel.
When she came out in the bathrobe, Riley was sitting in the same position. She stood up when she saw Larra coming to the bed.
"Phew, the day was hectic. Let's sleep fast" Larra said with an enthusiastic face, hiding all her miseries. But who is she kidding? Riley already knew it was coming. She gave her an empathetic smile and nodded.
"Yeah. Let's sleep" with a heavy heart, she agreed with her cousin.
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