"Ugh," Larra groaned as she woke up the next morning, cradling her throbbing head. She slowly sat up in bed and blinked her eyes, noticing that the room was already lit. A glance at the nightstand indicated it was 4:30 a.m.

She shook her head, trying to recall anything from the previous day. They had planned to go shopping and relax on their last day, but that never happened. Frowning, some fragmented images from the past day flashed through her mind.

Things Shirley said!

"Your eyes always drive me crazy; they're beautiful."

"Your eyes seem so alike, just like those galaxy eyes that hold so much love for me."

"You are an amazing person, Ron."

"You deserve the best."

"Shit!! What have I done?" Larra mumbled, covering her face in frustration.

"Don't worry. I've covered it for you."

Larra looked up to see Riley arranging dresses in her trolley.

"Huh?" Larra was confused.

"I told him you don't remember anything after waking up," Riley said nonchalantly, making Larra sigh in relief. What would she have done without her cousin?! Larra nodded gratefully.

"Go freshen up. You have an early flight to catch," Riley said, gesturing toward the washroom.

"What about her?" Larra asked, glancing at Shirley. Riley rolled her eyes, looking at Larra with an exasperated expression.

"You know how she is. She got ready last night before sleeping," Riley replied, continuing her work. Larra chuckled at her cousin's odd habit. She got up and headed to the washroom to freshen up. After washing her face, she changed into joggers and a T-shirt, topped off with an LA cap.

Larra grabbed her already-packed trolley and backpack. Since she had an earlier flight than the other two, she decided to have breakfast at the airport. She paused to look at a sleeping Shirley for a moment, as yesterdayā€™s words echoed in her mind.

"Don't mind her. She's just hurt," Riley said to Larra, who looked at her in surprise. Why was Riley so calm? She had been angry the previous morning, but now she was acting like a saint after Shirley's outburst.

"I know," Larra nodded with a tight smile.

"Larra is leaving!" Riley announced, patting Shirley to wake her up. Shirley fluttered her eyelashes and slowly sat up.

"So, goodbye, ladies," Larra said with a heavy sigh, trying to smile through her emotions.

"If you donā€™t make it, Rayan and I are both dead to you," Shirley said seriously, even though she had just woken up. Riley shook her head in disbelief ā€” how dramatic! Larra chuckled in response as she pushed her trolley outside.

"Leaving already?" As she stepped out, she heard a voice and turned around to see Ron looking at her in surprise.

"Hey, Surgeon. Yeah, I've got an early flight, so..." Larra tried to sound enthusiastic. He nodded with a small smile. Hearing the commotion, Tyler also emerged, and the three cousins headed downstairs together.

"Um, sorry for yesterday, guys. I donā€™t remember anything, but I know I must have acted crazy. Iā€™m sorry," Larra said with a guilty smile.

"Oh, you don't have to," Tyler waved off her apology with a smile.

"Yeah. You wereā€¦ justā€¦" Ronā€™s gaze lingered on her, searching for something in her eyes, but he found only guilt. "Just wasted," he said, offering a sad smile. Riley and Shirley exchanged glances, sensing his disappointment.

"Shall we drop you at the airport?" Tyler asked out of formality.

"Oh, no, no." Larra politely declined. "My friend is coming to pick me up. Weā€™re on the same flight."

"Friend? Who?" Riley asked, confused. She had no idea Larra had a friend in Miami.


"Hey, sweetheart!" Larra couldnā€™t finish her sentence before someone called her from behind. They turned to see her Korean friend, Haejun, waving at her from next to a taxi. Ron's expression hardened as he clenched his jaw.

"Of course, she has a new friend," Shirley fumed, frustrated to see Larra with the new guy. She thought her cousin might change after what happened yesterday, but clearly, that was not the case. Shirley stormed toward the hotel entrance.

"Shirl," Riley called after her.

"I have things to pack," Shirley replied without looking back as she went inside. Larra smiled and waved at Haejun, who came over and entwined their fingers.

"You look hot," he whispered in her ear and pecked her cheek. Larra smiled sweetly and mumbled a thank you. Ron couldn't help but tighten his fist, his knuckles whitening.

"Shall we?" Haejun asked her warmly, and she nodded in response.

"Okay, guys. We're leaving. It was nice meeting you," Larra said formally to Tyler and Ron, causing Ronā€™s heart to clench.

"You too," Tyler said, pulling her in for a friendly hug, which she returned gladly. Then she looked at Ron, who managed to force a grin and hugged her.

"Bye, Mr.Surgeon. I had so much fun," Larra said, stepping back before he could pull her in for a tighter embrace. She winked at him.

"Of course, we did," Ron replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Larra turned to Riley, who was standing there with teary eyes. They had reunited after two years to spend time together, but it had turned into anything but a nice visit.

"Come on, my crazy bitch," Larra said with open arms, and in no time, Riley joined her. Larra patted her back and ruffled her short hair, she gulped down that lump in her throat before pulling back.

"Go, bitch" Riley said with a shaky voice and pushed Larra. Larra nodded and opened the trunk of the car, while Haejun put her luggage inside. He opened the door for her, and she got inside, smiling at him.

Don't do this Larra, it's too much.

Riley said in her mind. She could see Ron fisting his hand. Even though she didn't have any feelings for him, it was evident that he was hurt. Larra waved at them for the last time before the car moved forward.

When they returned to the room in silence, they saw Shirley standing in the lobby, her face morphed with pain.

"You could have sent her away nicely,", Riley said dismissively.

"I was trying, ok. But, from where did that guy come again?" Shirley said offended. Riley didn't reply to her and climbed up the stairs.

"I don't get how she managed to do that"

"What?" Riley asked, clueless.

"That, she will meet someone, and from the next day, she will act as if they are best friends", Shirley said in a done tone. Riley chuckled hearing her.

"You know how she is"

Ron smiled in pity, hearing their conversation. He was a fool!

"I am damn sure they are gonna do it in the airport", Shirley said without noticing Tyler and Ron were following them.

"Jeez Shirl. Stop it. It's her decision. She can do whatever she wants," Riley said, annoyed. Can't Shirley see those guys behind them?

"Yeah, whatever. Did she cry when she left?" Shirley asked curiously. Riley looked at her with a done face.

"It's McLaren we are talking about!"

"Of course. I just forgot that she took a master's at hiding her emotions!" Saying that Shirley went inside. Riley tsked mentally about her cousin's stupidity.

Meanwhile, Ron narrowed his eyes. What does Shirley mean by her words?

"Dude, aren't you coming?" Tyler asked Ron, who was standing on the stairs, deep in his thoughts.

"Yeah. I will just come. You go in," Ron said and walked downstairs to the beach. He sat on the lounge and thought deeply.

Is Larra hiding something?

Not at all, he guesses!

He couldn't understand why he should think otherwise. She was wild and carefree these days. Whether they were at Stacy's, at parties, in his car, or during their private moments, she freely expressed her true self. So, what was there to hide?

But, he saw a different side of Larra yesterday, when Shirley questioned her, he saw a vulnerability in her eyes, and what was she mumbling when she was wasted?

But, should he care about the words she said when she was wasted? Even Riley said she would act irrationally when she was drunk. And Larra didn't remember anything from yesterday. Then, what's there to hope for anything?

She herself said commitments suck!

"It was nice to meet you too, McLaren," Ron said to no one and chuckled.

He felt so stupid!

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A person who is stuck between dream and realityšŸ•³ļø In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friendsšŸŖ