Riley chuckled when she saw the guest list and their allotted rooms. She cross-checked the list one more time and walked towards her room. Although it had been two weeks since she came to India, she was hella busy with Shirley, helping her with the wedding stuff. Finally, the week is here and the big family shifted to the destination of the wedding in Udaipur.
Riley was desperate to get sleep for a day, to get rid of the big bags under her eyes. Saying the best bridesmaid, Shirley took advantage of this poor girl and made her take marathons in town for anything and everything. Riley had to work hard to cope with someone's absence.
She turned around to see Rayan calling her.
"See, which one -"
"Not today Rayan. I am exhausted by your soon-to-be wife's chores, now, not yours too," Riley said, leaning on the wall. Rayan chuckled hearing her.
"It's nothing dear. Just tell me which colour Tyler wants," he said, showing the catalogues of brocade sherwanis. Riley's eyes widened upon hearing the name. Tyler is coming for the wedding the next day. So, he will be attending the Haldi, Sangeet and wedding. For Sangeet and Haldi, they chose ethnic wear, and for weddings, it's an indo-western fusion theme.
"This one for Haldi and this one for Sangeet. It goes well with mine" she said after selecting two dresses. Rayan nodded and walked away after wishing her a good sleep.
When Riley reached her room, she saw Shirley at her room's door, next to Riley's. Riley looked at the third door in that row and sighed.
"Oh. Is that your room?"
Riley shifted her gaze from the third door to Shirley and nodded with a small smile.
"This is mine", Shirley said, pointing towards her own.
"You said you don't have any hope for her. Then why did you book a room for her?" Riley taunted Shirley, who rolled her eyes in return.
"It's Rayan, not me. I am still saying she won't come." Shirley scoffed angrily.
"She will, Shirl" Riley said with a hopeful face.
"Get a sleep, Jenner " saying that Shirley entered the room and slammed the door. The sound of her frustration echoed in that corridor.
It's been six months since they went to Miami, and everything happened. And Larra didn't move her finger yet. No one could contact her in the last six months. Rayan's calls went straight to voicemail, and Riley's messages kept seen but unanswered. And Shirley, she just sent an invitation and the same last dialogue she said to Larra at Miami. But, no one got a reply.
Shirley invited Tyler, Ron and Winnie. Tyler is coming but Winnie and Ron can't make it due to some emergency schedule. Unfortunately, three rooms will remain unused in the hotel.
Even though Larra didn't respond, Riley and Rayan kept insisting that she would show up!
The day went very well. Riley slept and snored like a pig. Rayan and Shirley met their distant relatives who came to stay in the hotel to attend their grand wedding.
The next day, Riley got ready to meet her boyfriend after two months. Yes, Tyler kept visiting her and Ron frequently in the UK.
Speaking of Ron, the guy couldn't get over the brunette completely, but he was trying, Even though every time he released his inner demons screaming her name, earning a slap or curse from the girl under him! He didn't dare to contact her, and he didn't even dare to forget her! Knowing his struggles, Riley didn't pressure him to attend the wedding. It's better this way. If they both met at the wedding, it would be awkward.
"Rayan. Where are they? It's been two hours. His flight has already landed and the airport is half an hour away." Riley asked impatiently to see her man.
"Relax Jenner. They will be here soon." Rayan said massaging Shirley's hair.
"Jeez. Can't you fucking stay away from her? Why do you two always stick together?" Riley asked irritated.
"Calm down Jenner. Your man will be here soon," Shirley said with a teasing smile.
"Does your chauffeur know English? I should have gone with him." Riley paced in the room.
"I think they are here,", Rayan said, looking out the window, which has a view of the gateway. Riley's eyes widened and she looked out the window.
"Yes" saying that, she ran out of the room to welcome her man. Shirley and Rayan laughed, seeing her excitement, and followed her.
Tyler was welcomed by a tight hug when he got out of the car. He smiled and dived his head into her crook, inhaling her vanilla scent, and smiled in delight.
"Hey baby" he whispered, still holding her in his arms.
"Hey," Riley pecked his lips and smiled.
"Ahem. Sorry to interrupt. But this is not your UK, but India. Your parents are here, Jenner" Rayan came with a sheepish smile. Riley smiled and got away from Tyler.
"Man. Welcome to India" Rayan gave him a brotherly hug.
"Thanks. Finally, nice to meet in real" Tyler said smiling.
"I am here too," Shirley chirped excitedly, earning a chuckle from everyone.
"Hey, our pretty bride" Tyler hugged her and patted her back fondly.
"I am really happy that you made it", Shirley said, pulling away from him.
"My pleasure" Tyler nodded.
"Come. Let's get in. You must be tired," Riley said, circling his arm. Tyler nodded and looked back at the car.
"Oh. They will deliver it to your room," Rayan said, thinking he was mentioning the luggage.
"Surprise!" three of them flinched when they heard a yelling from behind the car. Riley and Shirley looked at each other in shock.
"We are here guys" Winnie jumped excitedly and ran towards the girls. Riley chuckled in shock seeing Winnie and Ron with Tyler.
"Oh my God" Shirley jumped on her feet, overwhelmed.
"You said you won't come," she said in shock.
"We lied," Winnie said hugging both tightly.
"You!" Shirley slapped her arms dramatically.
"Sorry, babe,", Winnie said, pinching her cheek.
"Ron!" Shirley hugged him tightly, emotions hopping up.
"Sorry. But we came," he said, and everyone laughed together.
"I am super happy that everyone is here to attend our wedding," Rayan said, side-hugging Shirley; she nodded, agreeing. Even though everyone nodded and agreed, they all knew there was a void among them!
"Wow" Winnie was amused to see the royal architecture and interior of the hotel.
"It looks like a palace", Winnie said, looking around.
"It was a palace before. But, now it's a private property. People like us rent it for our weddings," Rayan said, walking ahead.
"Yeah. People like Basseys and Merchants." Riley stuck out her tongue, teasing.
"Oh yeah. Jenner's will be at Beckingham Palace. So you guys wouldn't have to travel all the way around " Shirley taunted back. Riley rolled her eyes playfully while Tyler smiled shyly, thinking about the day.
"True", Rayan high-fived his lady.
Rayan asked Ron and Winnie to select their outfits for the upcoming functions, and later, everyone settled in their room and freshened up. In the evening, they gathered with the elders at the dining table.
"Mom and Dad, they are our friends. We met in Miami. Tyler, Ron and Winnie" Shirley introduced them to the family, where everyone was sitting around a table.
"Hello, kids. Welcome to India. It's our pleasure to host a function for you. Please have a seat," Mr Bassey, Shirley's father, said.
"Thank you, Mr.Bassey", Tyler said politely.
"Okay. I will take the role. They are Mr. & Mrs. Bassey. My soon-to-be in-laws. They are Mr. & Mrs. Jenner. Riley's parents. They are my mom and dad. And they are McLarens" Rayan introduced everyone around the table. The couple raised their hands orderly, teasing Rayan.
"So, where are you all from?" Riley's dad asked, especially to Tyler, seeing his daughter being too clingy with the man.
"Dad", Riley said, offended, knowing that her dad was teasing Tyler.
"Hello, Mr.Jenner. Myself Tyler Beckham, from France"
"Ronald Williams, London"
"Winona Adams, France" they introduced themselves to the elders.
"Are you all working or-" Mr.Bassey asked with a sheepish smile and his wife shoved her elbow to him with a warning glare.
"Oh. I am just kidding, honey" he said in defence.
"It's ok, Aunty," Winnie said, chuckling.
"We are doctors. I am orthopaedic, he is a neurosurgeon, and Winnie is a gynaecologist," Tyler explained, earning a gasp from elders.
"Woah. You are so cool to be doctors," Mr. McLaren said in awe, only to make Ron remind someone, who responded exactly this way when they first met.
Honestly, Ron was nervous to meet Larra's parents. But the man's childish behaviour eased his tension.
"They won't pamper their kids like us. So, the kids will find a way to live on their own," Rayan's mom, Lilly, exclaimed. Soon, the elders entered a topic called 'methods of patenting in different countries'.Rayan's father instructed him to look after them.
They settled at another table and had some snacks and drinks, sharing their whereabouts of life.
"The day after tomorrow, there is a function called Sangeet, in which there will be a singing and dancing competition between the groom's and bride's families. But in our case, Since the family is the same as one, we decided it would be between girls and boys," Shirley explained the events.
"Wow. I am so excited. We are gonna win, girls" Winnie clapped her hands together, as usual.
"Keep dreaming, Winona" Ron challenged her, raising one eyebrow.
"We will see, boy" Riley also joined in the rivalry, emphasizing the word. Ron gasped offended.
"Did she call me a 'boy'? A boy?" Ron asked Tyler, dramatically, who patted his shoulder nonchalantly. Rayan was seeing their tactics for the first time, and laughed louder. He could see why Larra flirted with this guy!
"Welcome to the club, guys" he stood up and said dramatically , spreading his arms in a welcoming way. Ron and Tyler raised their Coke cans, feeling appreciated.
This is gonna be fun.
Later that night, Ron and Winnie went to their respective room while Tyler ended up in Riley's, of course!
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