The hotel was bathed in golden glory, with fairy lights draped from the roof to the ground, making the building visible even from space. Inside, the music pulsed through the air as people moved in time. It was Sangeet night, and everything was bright and loud.

The bride and groom, surrounded by their family, gathered in the hall, where a stage stood at one end. From the youngest to the eldest, everyone danced and cheered for the performers. As planned, the men and women took turns dancing in groups and solo, fueling the competition.

When the bridesmaids danced to "Nachde Re Saare," the men responded with "Sab Vele," accompanied by some strategically arranged female partners thanks to Aron. Rayan, Tyler, and Ron stole the show, leaving Riley seething with anger.

"Didn't he learn his lesson yet?" Shirley asked Larra playfully, noticing their other cousin mumbling under her breath. Larra laughed and high-fived her.

"Tyler is doomed!"

When the boys finished their performance, the elder men cheered for them.

"Oh hello, uncle, this is cheating. Remember, girls are not allowed?" Larra said to Aron, who pretended to be offended.

"Uncle?! Me?" he asked Rayan with hurt eyes. Rayan gave him a nervous smile and glared at Larra, who winked back at him.

"But these girls are not family," Tyler said, making Riley more angry.

"So what? Girls are girls!" Riley said angrily, and the women around her nodded in agreement.

"So, the winner is team women!" Larra hopped on stage and announced, jumping up and down. The women in the hall applauded along with her, causing the men to shake their heads in disappointment.

Later, the couples danced to soft music. When Rayan and Shirley swayed to the beat, Larra seized the opportunity to dance with every eligible bachelor in the room—except Ronald Williams. Meanwhile, Ron found himself captivated by a girl who was dancing and laughing wholeheartedly, realizing that he had completely lost himself in her.

He likes her!

Ronald Williams likes Larra McLaren!

The moment Tyler grabbed Riley's waist, she melted into his hold, forgetting her grudges.

Wonderful! Wasn't she supposed to be mad at him?!

By midnight, everyone dragged their sore bodies to their respective rooms. Instead of music, only exhausted groans could be heard.

Riley and Tyler helped her parents into their room and were walking back to their own when they met Larra in the corridor. She was dressed in comfy joggers and a hoodie.

"Where are you going, McLaren?" Riley asked, puzzled.


"Wait! It's not safe to roam around at midnight; go back to your room," Riley interrupted her.

"Do you think it's easy in LA?" Larra raised an eyebrow.


"I have some work to do; I'm going to the lawn," Larra cut her off.


"Why can't you take your girlfriend inside? I'm sure you have things to do with her in there," Larra said, looking at Tyler suggestively. Tyler smirked and lifted Riley in bridal style, making her squeal in shock.

"Bye-bye!" Larra waved at them teasingly and walked toward the entrance.

Ron was about to lock the door to his room when he overheard the entire conversation happening in the corridor. He left his room and walked toward the window. After a few minutes, he saw Larra walking along the stone path and sitting on a bench.

He watched as she put on her glasses and opened her laptop. Without wasting any time, she started typing something.

It was the first time he had seen Larra alone since her arrival. Realizing this was his best chance to clear his doubts, he left his room.

"Cassie, I will be there in two days. Don't worry," Larra promised on the phone. Ron, approaching her, overheard the conversation and furrowed his brows.

Two days? Is she leaving already?

"Okay. Bye. Thank you for covering for me," Larra said as she ended the call and set her phone aside.


Larra turned around to see Ron standing a few feet away from the bench. She smiled politely and nodded. He moved closer and sat on the other end of the bench, making Larra cautious.

"You were amazing on stage," Ron said after a moment. Larra glanced up from her laptop and nodded gratefully.

"You and Tyler too. And the girl did a good job," Larra said, keeping her gaze on her screen.


Larra's fingers moved with practised ease, seemingly unconcerned with Ron's presence beside her. After completing the final edits and mailing them to her colleague Cassie, Larra shut her laptop.

"Not sleepy?" she asked, stretching her slender figure and standing up to go inside. Ron looked at her, contemplating whether he should proceed.

It's now or never!

"I want to ask you something," he hesitated. Larra nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"Didn't you feel anything? I mean, between us?" he asked, gesturing between them.

"What do you mean?" Larra furrowed her brows in confusion.

"There was something between us, Larra," Ron said, standing up to face her.

"Us? What's between us? There is no 'us'!" Larra chuckled humorously.

"Yes, Larra. There is something. Can't you see it?"Ron took a step closer to her; his face became vulnerable. Larra panicked for a second but immediately composed herself.

"What are you talking about, surgeon? You know that whatever happened between us in Miami was fun. Just fun. We just had some fun and that's it. There is nothing more" Larra clarified.

"No. You are wrong. It was something special. I only realised after you left me."

"You are delusional" Larra shook her head in disbelief.

"I am not. Can you say that you didn't think about me in these six months? Can you say that you didn't miss me in these six months? We were so good together. I didn't feel this connection with anyone before " Ron took steps closer, his face stood a few inches from Larra's.

Larra felt a shiver down her spine, her throat becoming dry due to their proximity. Her composure faltered for some moments.

She knew that she had hurt Ron, and she felt guilty for it, too. But she thought he would be moved on from her in these months. But, she never expected that he would be stuck at it even after six months.

Whom she was kidding here? She is still stuck at some dipshit that happened almost six years ago!

For a second she thought that she would drown in those eyes, like before. But she can't. She has to get a grip on herself. She took a few steps back and regained herself.

"Of course, I remember everything. I don't have Alzheimer's to forget everything and everyone. I thought you were just like me, surgeon. Carefree. But you proved me wrong. You are just a delusional guy like every other one who will become delusional after someone 'hits' them.." her words cut deep and his eyes flashed with pain.

"I was that carefree guy before I met you, Larra McLaren. But, you did something to my heart and now, I have lost myself. And you are the culprit" he fisted his arms, controlling his emotions. Larra widened her eyes, shocked, and tsked, mocking him again.

"Don't be stupid, Ron. You know that I am not a girl like that. I won't have feelings for anyone. I thought you were also having fun. That's why I played with you. If I knew that you were this dramatic-pathetic guy, I wouldn't have fun with you. Just forget what happened and find someone else like Jenner or Shirley. I am not the kind of girl," Larra said and took her laptop bag to leave.

"Why are you lying?" Ron asked, ignoring all her protests. Larra looked at him bewildered, then sighed in defeat. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Ron. I am sorry if I hurt you. But I can't be with someone for so long. I will have fun and move to my cocoon. Can't you see that I was away even from my parents? I came back after five years! I will leave tomorrow, again, and I don't know when I will come back again. I am not that 'relationship' material " she air quoted.

"And I also can see that you are a daughter who is her mom's dream and her dad's hope. A good friend that anyone can rely on. You are a person who misses your parents, your home, your friends, and everything belongs to you" he wasn't ready to lose again.

"What's your point?" Larra asked, annoyed.

"You are a person who loves and cares for everyone around you. Maybe you are delusional about yourself, not me" Larra chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.

"I am sorry, Ron. But you are completely wrong about me. I can't live anywhere for a long time caring and loving these so-called 'my people'! "Larra bitterly chuckled and turned around to go.

"But you lived, for five years," Ron said, challenging. Larra turned around and looked at him with shock.

"Who.. who told you?" Larra whispered, gulping down that lump.

"Tell me one thing. Was it only because of my eyes, Larra?" Ron asked again, ignoring her question.

"I asked you something", Larra growled in anger, her hands and lips trembling with emotion.

"DOESN'T MATTER, DAMMIT" Ron let out his frustration for the first time. His chest heaves up and down, struggling to take breath.

He was done with her. Why was she playing hard to get? What's the big deal?

Larra flinched at his response, stared at him for a few seconds and turned around to walk away.


After taking five steps, she stopped turned around and looked at him. She came back and stood in front of him with a determined face.

"Listen, Ronald. I can be a good daughter, a good friend, a good sister or anyone, only for a few days. After that, I want myself and my space all alone. I can't be with anyone for long. I only love myself and I only want myself in my life. So, don't move your mind or heart in the direction that you would get hurt. I-don't-need-you in my life and I don't wanna see you after tomorrow!" With trembling lips, Larra completed and walked away.

She knows who told him.

Ron wanted to scream at her back that 'stop lying to yourself'. But he couldn't, he was speechless to move his lips.

"Jenner.. Jenner.. open the door you piece of shit!" Larra banged on the door harshly making the occupants wake up.

"What-" Riley couldn't complete her words before that; Larra grabbed her by her shoulders and pinned her to the wall.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Who gave you the permission to butt in my life? " Larra growled like a beast, cannot control her piling up emotions.

"You think that you know me very well. But, you are wrong. You have no rites to talk about my life. Don't you ever try to be smart with that little brain of yours" Larra pinned her harder, making her wince in pain. When Larra stopped her wrath, Riley pushed her away.

"I told him because I don't want him to suffer. More than that, I don't want you to feel guilty, which you already felt, and let out on us in these six months by ghosting us, and the fear of Ron knowing about yourself, you are throwing it at me, right now!" Riley yelled back. Larra gave her a death glare, even though Riley was completely right. But she won't admit it!

Shirley's room door opened, and a half-sleeping lady came out.

"What is it, guys?" She mumbled in a sleepy voice. Larra looked at her for a moment and then at Riley, showed a middle finger and stormed into her room. Riley chuckled in disbelief.

"I know you very well, bitch," she yelled from outside and got inside her room, shutting the door harshly.

Inside, she met a confused Tyler, who was sitting on the bed and waiting for her explanation.

"Are you aware that your best friend still has feelings for my crazy cousin?" Riley asked, walking towards the bed.

"Does he?"

"I think they talked," Riley said sighing.

"Oh, my señorita" Tyler pulled her closer and caressed her arm in a comforting way!



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A person who is stuck between dream and reality🕳️ In my own delulu world where Books are my medicines and characters are my best friends🪐